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1,189 Bible Memory

Know All the Chapters of the Bible in a Year!
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Here's What You'll Get:
  • A step by step PLAN to memorize all 1,189 chapter summaries of bible chapters in their order (Genesis 1 to Revelations 21)!
  • ​A summary of every chapter of the bible in a short phrase
  • ​All 1,189 chapter summaries turned in to mental images for you!
  • ​Power Points and audios to review every chapter
  • ​Videos explaining memory systems and applying it to the bible.
  • ​How to use 2,500 year old memory techniques to memorize all bible chapter summaries in order!

"Ron makes learning fun and his methods are effective! Even years later I am able to recall verses and the books of the bible from his teaching. And as a pastor I also use Ron's methods to help others memorize the Word of God"
Bill Anderson
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